Apr 3, 20212 min

RV Life: Want It More Than You Fear It

So many times during this lifestyle we have chosen, I have seen people looking miserable as they continue to go to their 9-5 jobs, and all I can think is how free and happy our life is now compared to how it was before.

Not that we weren't happy in our family. We weren't satisfied working for someone else when we had such huge dreams. We hated having someone else essentially raise our children 5 out of 7 days of the week just so we could work to make money, to pay for that child care.

None of it made sense!

We were caught in the trap of living to work instead of working to experience life, and we knew the insanity had to stop.

Some people, like us, get to that point and make a change instantly, and others see the change needs to be made and spend years not making it out of fear.

While planning a bit in advance is a wonderful thing for many people, be sure that you don't become a career planner instead of ever taking the next step! Why let fear or uncertainty create regret later on?

There's a saying that goes, "When it comes to making a big change in your life, you have to want it more than you fear it."

We stopped being human doings and got back to being human beings--being more adventurous, being more open, being able to spend every day with our children, being genuinely happy with our lives again.

You all deserve that, so what are you waiting for? Happiness is home-made.

To support us on our mission to purchase a new home for our family, PLEASE check out the links below (I STILL cannot stop thinking about our upcoming deadline and how much we still need to make!). We offer quite a few books and courses to help us earn money to achieve this necessary goal.

Donate to our PayPal

The PYHOOYA Challenge (90 day challenge to change your life)

Whole Food, Plant-Based, Here's the Truth in Your Face, We're a Brainwashed Human Race, Guide to Complete Health (paperback or ebook)

The Road to PYHOOYA (life changing paperback)

The Road to PYHOOYA (life changing ebook)

Operation PYHOOYA 365: Life By Design (rewrite your life paperback)

Operation PYHOOYA 365: Life By Design (rewrite your life ebook)

The Magic Pill (formula for a better life ebook)

PYHOOYA to Wellness (health guide ebook)

The Whole P.I.E (passive income empire course)

P.I.E For Beginners (passive income empire beginner course)

Blogging For Dollars (complete blogging course)

Also Visit:

Monique's Author Page

Our YouTube Channel

Thank you all very much for being such a huge part of our lives!
