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Kris (Señor Nut)

Hola!  I am a really. I'm 6 ft 7, three inches from heaven. I'm loud, proud, and love a crowd!  Fun is my middle, actually it's Bryan. My brain is full of big dreams, and my heart is full of love for my family and those around me. I enjoy playing guitar, singing, dancing in a fashion most would find brave, and dressing up and being silly with my family. I wear big boots because I have huge feet, but they're great for stepping over the naysayers and continuing my dreams. With the help of my wife, I became the proud author of "The Road To PYHOOYA" (sold on Amazon), "Operation PYHOOYA 365" (sold on Amazon) and launched "The PYHOOYA Challenge" (found here), which is a whole life makeover challenge, aimed to help people better themselves and live happier, more carefree lives. I also have some courses available to anyone who wishes to create a passive income empire, or learn how to blog!

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Monique (Coffee Nut)

Welcome to my "me" part of this site. I am a person who loves without boundaries, feels without abandon, and dreams with everything I am. My children and husband are my whole world. My inner child never left me, which makes me quirky and my life full of silliness and beauty. I have always been filled with a burning desire to travel, explore and find new parts of myself out in the world around us. Nature and writing are my refuge, which is why I wrote "Whole Food, Plant-Based, Here's the Truth in Your Face, We're a Brainwashed Human Race, Guide to Complete Health" (sold on Amazon). My head is filled with crazy, elaborate photo montages of projects and dreams I aspire to, and will achieve.

Presley (Turbo Nut)

Hello!  I am a high speed little boy with a huge imagination and a beautiful heart. I love to color and play with my little brother. He is my best friend. The great thing is, I'm my mom. I got her faces, silliness, and sense of humor. The bad thing is, I am my mom. I also got her big emotions and frustration. Exploring and creating are my specialties. When I am really big, I want to be a firefighter and a daddy. I love to sing and am a very expressive dancer. My eyes are deep blue like ocean streams. My mommy and daddy say they get lost in them, but I don't know how they get in there. My memory is very good and I can remember almost everything that I've ever seen or done, including people's names. Drawing is a huge part of my life right now.

Ethan (Mighty Nut)

Hi!  Find me a wall. Find me a door. Find me absolutely anything more...and I will climb it. I'm super big and strong! My expressions are many and my snuggles are huge. I love animals and playing with my big brother. He is my best friend. I want to be a race car driver when I grow up. Mommy says she misses my long curly hair, but I like it cut short. I'm a little ball of giggles and energy, with a huge dose of my parent's stubbornness. I love avocados and bananas, and for some reason my tummy is always telling me it's hungry. My manners are beautiful. Did you know that bum changes are the worst!?! I try to run away from mommy and daddy but they are too fast and catch me every time. It was nice to meet you!

Roy (The Nut Shell)

Good-day! I am a 34 foot, 1988, Class A Coachmen Royal motor home. When Kris, Monique, and their boys first saw me, they fell in love with me and became my new humans. Every day that my parts were removed, replaced and remodeled, I could feel love being poured into me from all four of my new humans. They would talk about their dreams and places we would go together as they worked, and we have truly been on epic adventures! It is a huge joy to me knowing I get to take them all on their journeys, and experience the excitement, joy, and trials in this chapter of their lives. They put a lot of care into my old bones and made me feel like a spring chicken again. I even have one of them new fangled shoe storage walls, a washing machine, and solar system now! My little humans love having their own bedroom filled with toys to play with, and my big humans tell me every day how grateful they are for me, and all of the plans they still have. I'm truly blessed to be taken such good care of. I thought my travels were done after my old humans were done with me. Life sure has a way of surprising even an old man like me. You can tour my new reno's here.

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