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Top 5 Reasons Covid-19 Is A Good Thing

As with everyone else in the world, Covid-19 has affected my family as well; however, instead of fearing and running from it, my family chose to thrive in spite of it. Below is a list of the top 5 reasons that Covid-19 has been a good thing.

#5: Covid-19 Changed People's Perceptions Of Workers

Before this pandemic hit, many people went about their everyday lives and didn't stop to think about all of the people who were actually doing the "dirty", "undesirable" or "every day" tasks and work that made their lives possible.

Think about this for a moment. Many people, such as ourselves, used to wake in the morning, make a pot of coffee or some tea and enjoy the warm taste as it slid down our throats. We would make breakfast, use the bathroom, pack lunches, change diapers, get the kids ready, take them to daycare or school, and then go to work. This is the way a great portion of households run in the morning.

coffee before covid-19

Relive that same day, only last time you went to the grocery store, you were devastated to find they were sold out of coffee, tea, toilet paper, diapers and your favorite breakfast meal ingredients. So this morning, you drank water, wiped after the bathroom with tissues, had a make-shift breakfast "until things were normal again", and spent your lunch hour driving to every store within a 10 mile radius trying to find diapers.

For many, this was the reality, but not for us. You see, my family are fighters. We always have been and we always will be. When the coffee was sold out, we tried any other brand we could find (which turned out not so great haha). When the toilet paper was sold out, we were grateful we had some, and if it wasn't going to be enough, we had two children in diapers so we had baby wipes. We generally eat fruit or cereal with cashew milk for breakfast in our house, and these items weren't ever sold out. As for groceries, we decided it was exciting to try new things that we would have otherwise never purchased.

Covid-19 brought good change

When people go about their every day lives in a routine way, they take a lot for granted. Before, I knew a lot of people who would say, "Oh, they work at a grocery store" and then snicker or roll their eyes as though they were way above this person. I would see people make fun of others who didn't make as much money as they did, or who could only get certain jobs because of their disability, or learning impairments.

Don't get me wrong, Covid-19 didn't change some people's perceptions. Many times since every non-essential service was shut down, I have heard and seen people acting as wickedly as you would expect to see in a crime film, towards people who are working tirelessly to keep our "regular lives" afloat. This being said, I have also seen the realization come over people as well.

Everyone's workplaces got shut down systematically, one at a time, but not grocery stores. For a while after everything was shut down, daycares stayed open...until they didn't. Once closed, parents started to lose it! No, I mean LITERALLY lose it! They didn't know how to be with, play with, teach, or "handle" their own children because they were usually at work all day and someone else was "dealing with it".

Covid-19 emotional breakdown

Almost overnight, childcare providers, grocery store clerks, and doctors who were called "pill pushers" or the like, all became "heroes" to people. It's terribly sad that it took a pandemic to break that barrier and make people realize these were and are amazingly strong, incredible individuals whom we depend upon every single day...but I'm glad people eventually started to see and acknowledge this.

#4: Covid-19 Made People Stop Taking Friends and Family For Granted

During everyone's busy lives, I noticed that many, many people didn't truly appreciate, contact, or give the time of day to people they considered close friends, or even family. All of a sudden, everyone became quarantined, and I was told by several people that the first thing they thought to do was to connect with people because they felt socially detached and began to get depressed because of it.

Covid-19 Quarantine Depression

I truly think this is the first time in a long time that people were actually phoning each other, instead of texting them, and finding their primary and secondary phone lines rang busy. The intense need for human interaction is a truly necessary part of our sanity as the human race.

For our family, there really wasn't much change at all in this department. We still called our families like we always did. We still texted the small handful of close friends that we had, and nothing seemed to really change that much. We hadn't had active social lives in years, so life went on as it normally would.

Those people who did realize how many people they put on the back burner and made excuses not to speak to or see, I'm proud of each and every one of them for reaching out, showing appreciation, or lending an ear to someone having a hard time with the changes we were all forced to make.

#3: Covid-19 Created Opportunities Through Self-Reflection

Once everyone was reduced to the same realities, it gave people a lot of time to think and reflect--on the person they were before this all happened, on the person they wanted to be when it's all over, and on whether or not they liked their lives and jobs.

Many people, us included, saw this as an opportunity to do more and be more once things began to open up again. It made people realize they had been in a job that they hated for years and that they could now make the changes necessary to improve their lives. To others, it was an opportunity to do the things they wanted to do that they felt there was "no time" for, or that they "couldn't do" because of responsibilities.

Covid-19 Freedom To Change

With no jobs, no child care, and the same basic needs as everyone else, people either fell into one of two categories

  1. those who felt trapped, alone, and longed for the life they previously had

  2. those who took this opportunity to make changes and prepare for a different life and a different kind of world.

Shut-downs were a huge source of many emotional breakdowns due to self-exploration and being forced into an enclosed building with your thoughts and families, but I truly believe that it was also a huge source of many people's newfound freedom to do and be what and who they always wanted to be or do.

#2: Covid-19 Forced Creativity

When people began to feel financially strapped and started to worry, they were forced to become creative with ways to make money to support their families. Many people turned to online stores, training, or ventures to fill this void. Creating products and selling them, sewing masks, and bringing forth other creative talents. This proved we are all in this together and are all much stronger than I believe we ever knew we were.

Through these creative outlets, many people found new passion, new hope, and a burning desire to alter the things they used to do to make room for these new ideas to flourish. Change isn't a bad thing. It creates more beauty in the world.

#1: Covid-19 Proved Climate Change Wrong and Started Changing the Earth

About a year or two before this all started, we heard and saw huge debates on climate change and how the world was, once again, going to end at such and such a date. Everyone, whether they wanted to admit it or not, had at some point watched a talk with Greta Thunberg, or watched a debate with Trump, Trudeau, or another worldly leader to see what they had to say about all of the accusations being made about climate change.

Climate Change Before Covid-19

Thanks to Covid-19, people were removed from the picture and reduced to their homes. Yes, this was, and still is an incredibly amazing thing that happened!

The skies became clear again in areas where there was never true sunlight. Places thought to be hit the hardest with climate change, and who were told there was no way to reverse it, found hope again. The waterways became cleaner, and we began to see wildlife coming into once highly populated areas due to the new lack of human interference. Birds and animals started to roam freely and return to their, once destroyed, homes.

World Replenishing Because Of Covid-19

The world started to restore itself again and revert back to its, once natural, beauty and thriving ecosystems. This made my number one because it was the most wonderfully beautiful news I could have ever hoped to see or hear. My hope is that people truly take note of these changes and improvements and do not choose to go back to "how things were" out of fearing change.

To support us on our mission to purchase a new home for our family, please check out the links below. We offer quite a few books and courses to help us earn money to achieve this necessary goal.

The PYHOOYA Challenge (90 day challenge to change your life)

The Road to PYHOOYA (life changing paperback)

The Road to PYHOOYA (life changing ebook)

Operation PYHOOYA 365: Life By Design (rewrite your life paperback)

Operation PYHOOYA 365: Life By Design (rewrite your life ebook)

The Magic Pill (formula for a better life ebook)

PYHOOYA to Wellness (health guide ebook)

The Whole P.I.E (passive income empire course)

P.I.E For Beginners (passive income empire beginner course)

Blogging For Dollars (complete blogging course)

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Thank you all very much for being such a huge part of our lives!


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